Parent Support Group Guidelines
Click here to join and review our group description and rules Gentle, Attachment and Responsive Parenting - Australia
Our private Facebook group provides a safe space for parents, grandparents, caregivers and professionals to share their knowledge, resources and personal experience to support, educate and inspire one other with and toward a journey of gentle, attachment and responsive parenting.
Our group was founded by Haley Donovan, Owner of Cocoon Kin.
The group originated in Perth, Western Australia and expanded to a global community in 2021.
You can meet our Admin team in the album ‘Meet the Admin’ within the group.
Our group is a community to support parents, carers and parents-to-be in what is biologically normal during infancy and to provide gentle and responsive strategies to educate, work towards and empower a paradigm shift.
Our aim is to provide resources, science based evidence and solidarity between parents, to unite and inform about the negative impacts with the sleep training culture.
We provide a virtual village for all caregivers to support each other, share in our journeys, normalise biologically infant sleep and childhood behaviours, and provide gentle parenting resources to empower parents to implement responsive and respectful techniques and strategies.
We strive to provide education on the latest Neuroscience and evidence based research and the positive and negative effects our parenting strategies can have on our children.
We support safe co-sleeping and bedsharing and aim to provide education on best practices for this.
Our group is provided for members to provide solidarity, respectful feedback, advice and information, and bring together a community of like-minded parents, grandparents, carers and industry professionals.
Our group experts provide opportunities to connect with their relevant businesses and resources to offer members an additional avenue for support.
Visit our files and guides sections within the group menu, or our resource pages from the website menu for detailed articles, links to websites, support communities and professional resources.
We provide a welcoming and safe community for all our members. Our members are expected to provide support, kindness, empathy and solidarity when responding to posts. Comments made that go against our rules and guidelines will be removed with feedback.
If a post or comment questions our group guidelines and values, please screenshot and send to Cocoon Kin. This is preferred rather than ‘reporting’, as to maintain our Facebook Community Standards.
Please respond to the replies in your post. Other members have taken the time to provide support and advice and it is courteous and respectful to acknowledge their input.
Our members have posted in our private forum to seek information from the whole group within a safe space, and private messaging may breach personal privacy. Requests for private messages in comments are allowed, however comments that state that members will private message other members without being invited to or given permission for are not allowed. This ensures the privacy and respect of all members and avoids any potential triggering and conflict.
All members are expected to acknowledge and respect the group rules upon requesting to join the group.
Our group encourages our members in the sharing of our group with family, friends and the wider social networking community. Sharing of screenshots is not permitted, however sharing our files, public photos within our albums and links to the group are welcome.
Any recommendations for non-specific or approved gentle parenting groups will be removed with feedback. We advocate for responsive and gentle parenting and general parenting groups do not completely align with our values. Admin will follow up all recommendations within our group so that we ensure we are providing our group members with support that aligns with our values.
While general advice is always sought after, we recommend posting content, questions and advice that is aligned with our values. Interaction on posts seeking recommendations for general baby products may be limited, and may be removed if it doesn’t relate to responsive parenting. Posts requesting medical or vaccine advice will be removed as well as recommendations for supplements. Recommending products such as weighted blankets/sleep suits is considered as unsafe and will be removed.
Each profile request is reviewed by Admin and answers to questions and acknowledgement of rules must be completed. If a request to join has been declined, feedback will provided with this.
We provide an inclusive community and all genders, races and cultural backgrounds are welcome within our group. Please be mindful of sharing personal photographs and breastfeeding content. Cocoon Kin takes no responsibility for what is shared by members within the group.
Our group rules are clear and have been created to keep members safe, informed and guided correctly. Exclusion from the group will occur if a member repeatedly does not adhere to the group rules. If a members comment or message has been removed, feedback will be provided. If the member repeats the rule break again, exclusion will occur.
Immediate exclusion without warning will occur if any member is displaying threatening, harassing, racist or behaviour of a sexual nature and includes sharing screenshots of any group material in the group.
If Admin are informed of an inactive or unavailable profile, these are removed from the group.
Disrespectful responses and questioning of Admin will result in exclusion from the group.
See our announcement section within the group for more information on our processional group members. Our group experts can be accessed via the members section within our group.
As we provide an inclusive community, there is no competition within the group and we value sharing of other groups that share our values.
Group experts are approved to promote their services when required. If another member wishes to promote their service, business, survey or competition, prior permission from Cocoon Kin must be received.
For any issues within the group please contact Cocoon Kin via the page link at the top of the group. The admin team will not respond to private messages to their personal profiles.